Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Eastern Kansas/ Fort Scott, KS/ Arabia Steamship

(Eastern Kansas)  Hi 91  Lo 64
As we drove we came upon this combine.   If you could enlarge the second pic then you could see the horse driven one just off to the right of it.   It was interesting to see modern and past styles working so close.
Here is where they store the grain.  Next is a fire dept and a local native.
These cattle were not far from the lake and it was pretty all over.  Here is my view at my cousins house.
After I left there house I stopped at a couple places they suggested.  Fort Scott has 30 yrs of history in the mid 1800's.   There are several buildings to go in to see.
The stables......................Rank, Privilege and Officers Row.  Laundry room....one room in each barracks served as a company laundry.  Each company was allowed to employ 4 women as laundresses.
The fence shows where the latrine was a close by was the bathhouse.
The Arabia Steamboat is in Kansas City, MO.  Of the some 400 steamboats that were lost in the Missiouri, 300 were "snagged" 
When the ship was snagged and went down, it was full of items being shipped.
 They have worked for years to bring up the items, clean them up, and display them.  Here is where they clean up the items.
Middle pic shows a portion of the wood that snagged the ship.  There was only one casualty from the ship and that was a mule. 

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